A Brief Study Of The
Church In The New Testament
Dr. Robert L. Scott
Under each subject, read the scriptures listed and answer the questions
pertaining to them.
- The Church Foretold:
Isaiah 2:2-4
- When was the church to be established?
- What term is used to describe the church? (compare
1 Timothy 3:15)
- Who was to be a part of the church?
- Where was the church to be established?
- What statement is made that illustrates the attitude members
of the church are to have?
Matthew 16:13-19
- Who did some people think Jesus was?
- Who did Peter say Jesus was?
- Who told Peter who Jesus was?
- Whose church did Jesus promise to build?
- What term did Jesus use interchangeably with the church?
- What did Jesus mean about binding and loosing?
Mark 9:1
- What term did Jesus use for the church?
- How did Jesus show a definite period of time in which the
church would be established?
- The church was to come with what?
- The Beginning of the Church:
Acts 1:6-8
- Did Jesus' disciples understand what the kingdom would be?
- When would they receive power?
- Do you remember what else was to come with power?
- Where was their witnessing to start?
Acts 2:1-47
- On what day did the Holy Spirit come to the apostles?
- What three things proved the presence of the Holy Spirit?
- What accusation was made against the apostles by some mockers?
- What two arguments did Peter make to prove the accusation was
- How did Peter say Jesus was approved of God in their midst?
- How did Peter prove the resurrection of Jesus?
- Since Jesus was raised, and exalted, according to Peter what
did he "pour forth"?
- Jesus, who was crucified by the Jews, was made what, by God?
- When the hearers were bothered by Peter's sermon, what was
their question?
- What was Peter's answer to their question?
- What did those people do who "received" Peter's words?
- How many people, as a result, were added to the church on that
- Those who were added to the church were "continually
devoting themselves" to what four things?
- What illustrates that these early Christians were good
- Who did the Lord add to the church?
- Jesus Is Our Savior:
John 4:39-42
- What caused many Samaritans to believe in Jesus?
- What caused many more to believe later?
- When the many believed, what did they say they knew?
Acts 5:29-32
- What statement did the apostles make about obedience?
- When God raised and exalted Jesus, Jesus became what?
- That made what possible for us?
Ephesians 5:23
- Jesus is the head of what?
- He is the savior of what? (see also
Acts 20:28)
- What is the body? (Find a passage in Ephesians that
proves your answer.)
1 Corinthians 1:10-13
- Paul admonished Christians to be of the same what?
- Some Corinthians were divided over what?
- What questions did Paul ask to show that he was not the
- Becoming Members of the Lord's Church:
Matthew 28:18-20;
Mark 16:15-16
- Who has all authority?
- Who were Christians supposed to teach, or make disciples of?
- Those who were taught were to do what?
- They were then to be taught to do what?
- According to Mark, what was to be taught? (see
Romans 1:16)
- What was promised to believers who would be baptized?
- What was promised to those who did not believe?
Acts 2:36-41,47
- Even though Jesus was crucified, what had God made him?
- What question was asked of the apostles? (compare
Acts 16:25-34)
- What answer did Peter give?
- Was Peter's answer the same as Jesus had told them?
- Who was included in the promise of remission of sins?
- In order to become members of the church, what did three
thousand people do? (see
Ephesians 5:23)
- Who added those people to the church?
Romans 6:2-4
- Those who obey God die to what? (compare
Acts 22:16)
- We are baptized into what? (compare
Galatians 3:26-27)
- Is baptism described as sprinkling or pouring water on
someone? (compare
Colossians 2:12)
- We are raised from baptism to do what? (see also
Matthew 6:33)
- The Lord's Supper:
Matthew 26:26-28
- What did Jesus call the bread which he gave to his disciples?
- What did he call the cup? (see also
verse 29)
- Did Jesus use any figurative language when he instituted the
Lord's supper?
- According to Jesus, what did the "blood of the covenant" do?
1 Corinthians 11:20-31
- Why could the Corinthians not eat the Lord's supper?
- Where did Paul get his information about the Lord's supper?
- When did Jesus institute the Lord's supper?
- What is the purpose of the Lord's supper?
- In a sense, the Lord's supper is a "sermon." What do we
- What results if we take the Lord's supper "in an unworthy
- Before taking the Lord's supper, what should we do?
- Explain verse 30.
Acts 20:7-12
- On what day are we to take the Lord's supper?
- What other term is used to mean the Lord's supper?
- Is taking the Lord's supper the only reason for Christians to
come together?
- Can you think of a reason for the death of Eutychus?
Mark 16:20)
- In this passage the term "breaking bread" is used in what two
- Studying God's Word:
2 Timothy 3:13-17
- What did Paul say evil men would do?
- Timothy was told to continue in what?
- The "sacred writings" were able to do what for Timothy?
- Who inspired the scriptures?
- What four things are the scriptures profitable for?
- How many good works are furnished in the scriptures?
- Does this passage help to explain
Psalm 119:105?
2 Timothy 2:14-19
- Of what did Paul want Timothy to remind others?
- Why did he not want people to "wrangle about words"?
- From whom should we seek approval?
- How can we be sure we are workers who are not ashamed?
- What is a result of "worldly and empty chatter"?
- Is it possible to err from the truth?
- What was being taught by Philetus and Hymenaeus?
- If we are the Lord's, what will we abstain from?
- Does this make studying God's word important? (see
2 Peter 3:18)
James 1:21-25
- In studying God's word, is it important that we put away sin?
- With what attitude are we to receive God's word?
- If we only hear the word, what are we doing to ourselves?
- What picture does James give of one who is "not a doer"?
- What two words are used to describe God's word in verse 25?
- What is promised the one who is a doer of the word?
(compare Matthew 5:6)
1 Peter 2:1-5
- Before we can properly learn, what must we put away?
- What is Peter's figure concerning babies?
- If we "long for the pure milk," what will result?
- What was rejected by men?
- If we are "living stones," what are we a part of?
- What kind of sacrifices do we offer?
(compare Romans 12:1-2)
- Look back over the main ideas in the above passages and think
of how important it is that we study and learn God's word.
- Singing As Worship:
Ephesians 5:17-21
- Paul tells us not to be what two things?
- But, he said, be filled with what?
- Part of that filling is through singing. What word
shows this is to be done with the mouth?
(compare Hebrews 13:15)
- What three kinds of songs are mentioned? (Do we have to
know the difference?
- With what instrument are we to "make melody"?
- We are to give thanks through whom?
- Now read Acts 16:22-25. For what did
Paul and Silas have to be thankful?
- What does verse 21 mean?
(compare Galatians 5:13)
Colossians 3:12-17
- What are God's people to "put on"?
- What example of forgiveness are we to follow?
- What is the perfect bond?
(compare 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)
- Where is peace to rule?
- Whose word is to dwell in us?
- What two words indicate our singing is to be directed to each
- Does "with thankfulness in your hearts" mean the same as
"melody with your heart" in Ephesians 5:19?
- Whatever we do is to be done in whose name?
- Through whom are we to give thanks?
- Contributing to the Work of the Church:
1 Corinthians 16:1-2
- The contribution is called what two things in this passage?
- What did Paul mean when he said "I directed"?
- When is the collection to be taken?
- What is the basis of how much we should give?
- Read Psalm 24:1 and tell how much of
your possessions belong to God.
2 Corinthians 8:3-5
- What describes how much the Macedonians gave?
- Why is the word "participation" used concerning their
- What did they give first?
2 Corinthians 9:6-11
- What happens if we sow sparingly?
- What does it mean to purpose in your heart?
- What does God promise if we give as he directs?
(compare Luke 6:38)
- How does our liberality show our thankfulness?
- Our Prayer Life:
Luke 18:1-5
- What was the purpose of this parable by Jesus?
- In this context, what does it mean to lose heart?
- What did the widow do?
- What did the judge do at first?
- Why did the judge change his mind?
(compare 1 Thessalonians 5:17)
- What statement shows that God will answer prayer?
Acts 12:4-16
- When Peter was arrested by Herod, he was put under what kind
of guard? (See if you can find out how many soldiers that
- Describe the prayer of the church for Peter.
- Was Peter alone in the prison?
- Describe what the angel did for Peter.
- What was happening that night at the house of Mary?
- When the maid realized Peter was at the door, what did
she do?
- Does anything indicate the Christians might have had the wrong
attitude while praying?
(compare Matthew 21:22
and James 1:6)
Matthew 6:5-15
- For what purpose do hypocrites pray?
- Why does Jesus mention an inner room, or closet?
- What is the purpose of meaningless repetition?
- Does "in this way" mean we are to recite the "Lord's prayer"?
- To whom is prayer to be addressed?
- What part of the prayer shows praise?
- Can we pray "Your kingdom come" today?
- In praying "Your will be done," what is our part? (see
also Colossians 3:17)
- Does "daily bread" imply luxuries?
- Upon what, in part, does our being forgiven depend?
Matthew 7:7-12
- What is the basic principle of "ask, seek, and knock"?
- What is the comparison between God and our earthly parents?
- How is prayer tied to our treatment of others?
- Some questions for consideration:
- How many times a day should a Christian pray?
- Do you pray enough?
- Is it possible for statements like "Bring us back at the next
appointed time," and others, to be meaningless repetition?
- Do you think God requires us to use Shakespearian language in
talking to him? What kind of language should we use?
- Would it be possible to effectively pray to God in a foreign
- What position is best while praying?
- What is the purpose of bowing one's head while praying?
- Why is it good to close one's eyes while praying? Would
it be all right to pray without bowing or closing one's eyes?
- What might be some reasons we may want to gather at some
person's house to pray? Have you ever done it?
- Have you ever felt that God is not answering your prayers?
- Living the Christian Life:
Romans 12:1-2,9-21
- What are we to sacrifice to God?
- In what ways does that sacrifice differ from those of Old
Testament times?
- We are not to be conformed to what?
- What is a transformation?
- How is that to be done?
- If we transform ourselves, what will it help prove for us?
- Love is to be without what? (compare
1 Timothy 1:5)
- What contrast is to be in our minds between good and evil?
- What does "give preference to one another" mean?
- What is diligence?
- What does "fervent" mean?
- What do we have to rejoice about?
- Why is perseverance important? (see also
James 1:2-4)
- What does it mean about our lives if we are not "devoted to
- What does "contributing to the needs of the saints" mean?
- Why is it important for a Christian to be "practicing
- How are we to treat one who persecutes us?
- What does it prove if we "rejoice with those who rejoice"?
Is it hard to do?
- What does it accomplish if we "weep with those who weep"?
- What happens if Christians are not "of the same mind"?
(compare 1 Corinthians 1:10-13
and Ephesians 4:1-6)
- What does "associate with the lowly" mean? Why is it
part of Christian living?
- To whom does vengeance belong? Why?
- What are we to do to our enemies? (see
Matthew 5:44-45)
- How are we to overcome evil?
Galatians 5:16-24
- Why should we "walk by the Spirit"?
- The Spirit is contrary to what?
- If we are led by the Spirit, we are not under what?
(see Romans 6:14)
- Find a definition for each of the works of the flesh, verses
- The works of the flesh will keep us from what?
(see also 1 Corinthians 6:9-11)
- Find a definition for each fruit of the spirit, verses 22-23.
- What description is given for those who "belong to Christ"?
(compare Galatians 2:20)
Galatians 6:7-10
- How can one be deceived concerning the law of sowing and
- What will we reap if we sow to the flesh?
- What will we reap if we sow to the Spirit?
- What might cause one to "lose heart in doing good"?
- What promise is given to us if we do not grow weary?
- As we have opportunity, what are we to do? (compare
Proverbs 3:27)
- We are to do good especially for whom?
James 1:26-27
- What two negative things are said about one who thinks himself
to be religious?
- What kind of religion is that? (see also
Matthew 15:8-9)
- List the two characteristics of pure religion mentioned by
- Pure religion is also "undefiled." What does that mean?
James 2:14-26
- To say we have faith cannot save us. What else is
- In James' illustration, what does "Go in peace" mean?
- What kind of faith does not have works?
- Who believes and shudders (trembles)?
- In the description of faith without works, what does
useless mean?
- How was Abraham justified by works?
- What makes faith perfect? (compare
Hebrews 11:4-12)
- What is said about faith only?
- What did Rahab do that proved she believed in God?
- How does James use the body and spirit to illustrate his