
miscellaneous puzzles

A haiku (pronunced "high-koo") is a three-line nonrhyming poem, a form that originated in Japan.

A hide-ku is a three-line nonrhyming poem, a form dating back to, well, about fifteen minutes ago. Concealed in the three lines of a hide-ku are three words that form a set, such as "GOOD, BAD, and UGLY" or "LARRY, MOE and CURLY." The letters are consecutive but may be broken over more than one word. How many can you spot?

The solutions are each keyed separately and are reached by clicking on this symbol:   =
Warning—Some of these are easy, and some of them are even easier.

Life is like a Himalayan trip, eternity-wise.
We all need a sherpa, ultimately.
Lack of guidance will mar your journey.

Who okayed this order?
Franklin evidently did.
Yes, in Kermit's absence.

What happens when I push open that door?
I ask, I ponder, I reach a conclusion:
It's only me being jumpy again.

A new era in retailing:
No driving, no crowds, no hassle, et cetera.
It's now all done on-line.

Like alfalfa, it has many uses.
Keep your mind (and mouth) open to its possibilities.
Soon you will see it all over the place.

How in the world did Erik die?
He ate soup laced with arsenic.
Hey, that's how his predecessor died!

What was unsafe about it?
It was just a promo on fireworks.
But it was almost arson!

Panic almost prevailed that year.
Some loco old men spread rumors.
As I recollect, editors squelched them.

In the canyon of Diablo, odd things happen.
It has weather patterns that no one can predict.
And you hear things that ears have never known.

I see how fat Herman has become.
Too many hours on the sofa watching TV.
With good health in my grasp, I ritually exercise.