Four-part harmony has been a standard four a long time--from our fourfathers on down--and it will probably be that way fourever. Not surprisingly, then, there have been a fourspent number of pop groups with "Four" in their names.
This quiz features four such groups. Four each of them, four clues are given: a Place-Of-Origin clue, a Lead-Vocalist clue, a Name clue, and a Hit clue. It may take a little fourthought to name them all, but I foursee that you may be fourtunate enough to do a fourmidable job. (Although that may not be a fourgone conclusion.)
The grid that follows contains the answers, as well as several other names that contain "four" or a sound-alike syllable. Four instance, "Tears For Fears" would appear in the fourm "TEARS4FEARS". How many can you find?
P.S. Please fourgive my misspellings.
Here are the names of some selected bands, each paired with the name of their FOURth album.
Blood, Sweat & Tears 4
Toto IV
Blues Traveler Four
Foreigner 4
Diamond Rio IV
Huey Lewis & The News Fore!
The group most famous for numbering instead of naming their albums is Chicago. What is the name of their FOURth album?