A Revised Alphabet
for consistent spelling & pronunciation
Each consonant has a unique sound, and a given sound is represented by a unique consonant.
Some additional symbols are required to cover all our consonant sounds.
A single vowel has a unique "short" sound. Twin vowels have that vowel's "long" sound.
A couple of new symbols cover the remaining diphthongs.
as in

replaces CH, e.g.
instead of CHIN
as in

as in
also replaces PH, e.g.
instead of GRAPH
as in
i.e. hard G, not soft G
as in
but not in combinations CH, SH, or TH
as in
also replaces soft G, e.g.
instead of GEM
as in
also replaces hard C, e.g.
instead of CAT
as in

as in

as in

replaces hard NG, e.g.
instead of SONG;
replaces soft NG
as in

as in

as in
also replaces soft C, e.g.
instead of CENT
replaces SH, e.g.
instead of SHIP
as in

replaces unvoiced TH, e.g.
instead of THIN
replaces voiced TH, e.g.
instead of THIS
as in

as in
replaces WH, e.g.
instead of WHEN
as in

as in
also replaces voiced S, e.g.
instead of HANDS
replaces the ZH sound (a.k.a. voiced SH or French J), e.g.
instead of AZURE
Vowels, short (single) & long (twins)
as in

(referred to as "A twins") sounds like long A, as in
for FADE
as in

sounds like long E, as in
for BEAD
as in

sounds like long I, as in
for RIDE
as in

sounds like long O, as in
for MODE
is the short OO sound, as in
for COOK
is the long OO sound, as in
for KOOK
- The traditional long U sound is covered by
as in
for UKE
- The traditional short U sound is covered by the schwa sound (see below),
as in
for YUCK
The Schwa Sound
is the ubiquitous schwa sound of unstressed syllables, e.g.
- the A in LAPEL:

- the E in GIVEN:

- the I in HABIT:

- the O in FELON:

- the U in ALBUM:

replaces OI or OY,
instead of BOY
replaces OU or OW,
instead of FOUL or FOWL
- Q is not needed;
replaces QU.
- X is not needed; FOX becomes
and EXIT becomes
- The
sound also appears in syllables ending with NK, e.g.
for HONK
- I do not make a distinction between the vowel sounds in CLOD and CLAWED, and so on.
There is plenty of variation in vowel sounds simply from various speakers' accents.
- This alphabet does nothing to indicate which syllable of a word is stressed.
Here's what I call the letters of my alphabet (spelled the new way, then in standard English):
bee |
see |
dee |
eff |
jee |
aitch |
jay |
kay |
ell |
em |
en |
agma |
pee |
are |
ess |
she |
tee |
theta |
double-theta |
vee |
double-you |
wye |
zee |
zhee |
aye |
ee |
eye |
oh |
you |
schwa |
coin |
ouch |