These expressions mean "excellent" or even "the best," when preceded by "the cat's."

". . . he was the cat's whiskers, a business wunderkind, becoming chairman of a Fortune 100 company at the age of 38 . . ."
Allan Sloan
"He's the cat's pajamas. I couldn't love, respect, admire, and enjoy that individual more than I do."
Drew Barrymore
"LCD televisions are the cat's meow. People love their performance and elegance."

It's easier just to say "the berries." That reminds me of a story. I might have some details wrong, but it's a true story. The C.O. of a certain military base was named Barry. Colonel Barry, I guess. One evening his wife and kids left base but forgot their military IDs. When they tried to reenter, the sentry naturally stopped them. "But we're the Barrys!" they said, to which the sentry replied, "I don't care if you're the cat's pajamas, you can't come in without an ID!"

Lien À Trois