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# First Middle Last Née P.P.1 Born St.2 Died St.2 Served Re.3 Namesake Ht.
1 George Washington 1732-02-11 Va. 1799-12-14 Va. 1789...1797 Ep. Washington D.C. ★★ 6'02''
2 John Adams Jr. Fe. 1735-10-30 Ma. 1826-07-04 Ma. 1797...1801 Un. Adams N.Y. et al. 5'07''
3 Thomas Jefferson D.R. 1743-04-13 Va. 1826-07-04 Va. 1801...1809 Ep. Jefferson City Mo. ★ 6'03''
4 James Madison Jr. D.R. 1751-03-16 Va. 1836-06-28 Va. 1809...1817 Ep. Madison Wi. ★ 5'04''
5 James Monroe D.R. 1758-04-20 Va. 1831-07-04 N.Y. 1817...1825 Ep. Monroe La. et al. 6'00''
6 John Quincy Adams D.R. 1767-07-11 Ma. 1848-02-23 D.C. 1825...1829 Un. Quincy Il. et al. 5'07''
7 Andrew Jackson Jr. De. 1767-03-15 S.C. 1845-06-08 Tn. 1829...1837 Pr. Jackson Ms. ★ 6'01''
8 Martin Van Buren De. 1782-12-05 N.Y. 1862-07-24 N.Y. 1837...1841 D.R. Van Buren Ar. 5'06''
9 William Henry Harrison Wh. 1773-02-09 Va. 1841-04-04 D.C. 1841 Ep. Harrison N.J. et al. 5'08''
10 John Tyler Jr. Wh. 1790-03-29 Va. 1862-01-18 Va. 1841...1845 Ep. Tyler Tx. 6'00''
11 James Knox Polk De. 1795-11-02 N.C. 1849-06-15 Tn. 1845...1849 Pr. Polk Wi. 5'08''
12 Zachary Taylor Wh. 1784-11-24 Va. 1850-07-09 D.C. 1849...1850 Ep. Taylor Mi. et al. 5'08''
13 Millard Fillmore Wh. 1800-01-07 N.Y. 1874-03-08 N.Y. 1850...1853 Un. Fillmore Ut. et al. 5'09''
14 Franklin Pierce De. 1804-11-23 N.H. 1869-10-08 N.H. 1853...1857 Ep. Pierce Ne. 5'10''
15 James Buchanan Jr. De. 1791-04-23 Pa. 1868-06-01 Pa. 1857...1861 Pr. Buchanan Mi. 6'00''
16 Abraham Lincoln Re. 1809-02-12 Ky. 1865-04-15 D.C. 1861...1865 Lincoln Ne. ★ 6'04''
17 Andrew Johnson N.U. 1808-12-29 N.C. 1875-07-31 Tn. 1865...1869 5'10''
18 Ulysses S. Grant Hiram Ulysses Grant Re. 1822-04-27 Oh. 1885-07-23 N.Y. 1869...1877 Ulysses (Grant County) Ks. 5'08''
19 Rutherford Birchard Hayes Re. 1822-10-04 Oh. 1893-01-17 Oh. 1877...1881 Me. 5'09''
20 James Abram Garfield Re. 1831-11-19 Oh. 1885-07-23 N.Y. 1881 C.C. Garfield N.J. 6'00''
21 Chester Alan Arthur Re. 1830-10-05 Vt. 1886-11-18 N.Y. 1881...1885 Ep. 6'02''
22 Grover Cleveland Stephen Grover Cleveland De. 1837-03-18 N.J. 1908-06-24 N.J. 1885...1889 Pr. Cleveland Oh. 5'11''
23 Benjamin Harrison Re. 1833-08-20 Oh. 1901-03-13 In. 1889...1893 Pr. Harrison Ne. et al. 5'06''
24 Grover Cleveland Stephen Grover Cleveland De. 1837-03-18 N.J. 1908-06-24 N.J. 1893...1897 Pr. Cleveland Oh. 5'11''
25 William McKinley Jr. Re. 1843-01-29 Oh. 1901-09-14 N.Y. 1897...1901 Me. 5'07''
26 Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Re. 1858-10-27 N.Y. 1919-01-06 N.Y. 1901...1909 D.R. 5'10''
27 William Howard Taft Re. 1857-09-15 Oh. 1930-03-08 D.C. 1909...1913 Un. Taft Ca. et al. 6'00''
28 Woodrow Wilson Thomas Woodrow Wilson De. 1856-12-28 Va. 1924-02-03 D.C. 1913...1921 Pr. 5'11''
29 Warren Gamaliel Harding Re. 1865-11-02 Oh. 1923-08-02 Ca. 1921...1923 Ba. 6'00''
30 Calvin Coolidge Jr. John Calvin Coolidge Jr. Re. 1872-07-04 Vt. 1933-01-05 Ma. 1923...1929 Co. 5'10''
31 Herbert Clark Hoover Re. 1874-08-10 Ia. 1964-10-20 N.Y. 1929...1933 Qu. "Hooverville" Mo. et al. 5'11''
32 Franklin Delano Roosevelt De. 1882-01-30 N.Y. 1945-04-12 Ga. 1933...1945 Ep. 6'02''
33 Harry S. Truman De. 1884-05-08 Mo. 1972-12-26 Mo. 1945...1953 Ba. 5'09''
34 Dwight David Eisenhower Re. 1890-10-14 Tx. 1969-03-28 D.C. 1953...1961 Pr. 5'10''
35 John Fitzgerald Kennedy De. 1917-05-29 Ma. 1963-11-22 Tx. 1961...1963 R.C. 6'00''
36 Lyndon Baynes Johnson De. 1908-08-27 Tx. 1973-01-22 Tx. 1963...1969 D.C. 6'03''
37 Richard Milhous Nixon Re. 1913-01-09 Ca. 1994-04-22 N.Y. 1969...1974 Qu. 6'00''
38 Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. Leslie Lynch King Jr. Re. 1913-07-14 Ne. 2006-12-26 Ca. 1974...1977 Ep. 6'00''
39 James Earl Carter Jr. De. 1924-10-01 Ga. 1977...1981 Ba. 5'10''
40 Ronald Wilson Reagan Re. 1911-02-06 Il. 2004-06-05 Ca. 1981...1989 D.C. 6'01''
41 George Herbert Walker Bush Re. 1924-06-12 Ma. 2018-11-30 Tx. 1989...1993 Ep. 5'10''
42 William Jefferson Clinton William Jefferson Blythe III De. 1946-04-19 Ar. 1993...2001 Ba. 6'02''
43 George Walker Bush Re. 1946-07-06 Ct. 1981...1989 Me. 6'01''
44 Barack Hussein Obama De. 1961-08-04 Hi. 2009...2017 U.C. 6'01''
45 Donald John Trump Re. 1946-06-14 N.Y. 2017...2021 Pr. 6'02''
46 Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. De. 1942-11-20 Pa. 2021... R.C. 6'00''

1 Political Party 2 State 3 Religion
  • Democrat
  • Arkansas
  • Baptist
  • Democratic-Republican
  • California
  • Church Of Christ
  • Federalist
  • Connecticut
  • Congregational
  • National Union
  • District Of Columbia
  • Disciples Of Christ
  • Republican
  • Georgia
  • Dutch Reformed
  • Whig
  • Iowa
  • Episcopal
  • Illinois
  • Methodist
  • Indiana
  • Presbyterian
  • Kentucky
  • Quaker
  • Massachusetts
  • Roman Catholic
  • Missouri
  • United Church of Christ
  • Nebraska
  • Unitarian
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Vermont