

Endurance In Suffering

Key Verse:

1.21 = "The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD."



2000 B.C.

Quotable Quote:

2.10 = Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?

Chapter Summary:

[1] Satan takes away Job's possessions and children.
[2] Satan takes away Job's health.
[3] Job curses the day of his birth.
[4] Eliphaz rebukes Job.
[5] Eliphaz rebukes Job some more.
[6] Job rebukes Eliphaz some.
[7] Job bemoans his life.
[8] Bildad admonishes Job.
[9] Job says he's not qualified to argue with God . . .
[10] . . . and then he argues with God.
[11] Zophar accuses Job.
[12] Job gently ridicules his "friends."
[13] Job severely ridicules his "friends."
[14] Job speaks of death.
[15] Eliphaz scoffs at Job.
[16] Job accuses God of handing him over to the bad guys.
[17] Job despairs of life.
[18] Bildad warns about wicked people.
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The Russler,