Check Your Progress

Questions are chosen at random based on the level you have reached in the lessons. Each will be accompanied by a SCORE button, which will yield a check of your answer followed by another question. Two other options are available: you may select SKIP, which will take you to another question without checking your answer, or END, which will end your session. (Please go to this option at the end of every session.)

Here are the various question-and-answer types:

  1. Some multiple choice questions are presented with small circles next to the possible answers. In these cases, only one answer can be selected (but you can change your answer before submitting):
    A   B   C   D   E   F   G

  2. Some multiple choice questions are shown as a pull-down menu. In these cases also, only one answer can be selected:

  3. Other multiple choice questions are presented with small squares next to the possible answers. In these cases, multiple answers can be selected (and you can change your answers before submitting):
    do   re   mi   fa   sol   la   ti

  4. Short answer questions are accompanied by a text box. There is a limit to the number of characters that can be entered, and it might be larger than the characters in the correct answer.

  5. Order questions are accompanied by a series of small text boxes. The correct answers are the numbers 1 through some maximum number (in a certain order), but it is possible to enter any single character in each box:
    eighth note
    half note
    quarter note
    sixteenth note
    whole note

  6. Matching questions are also accompanied by a series of small text boxes, and again it is possible to enter any single character in each box. The correct answers are the letters corresponding with the items in the right column:
    crescendo A. accented
    diminuendo B. decreasing in strength
    forte C. dying
    mezzo D. increasing in strength
    morendo E. medium
    piano F. soft
    sforzando G. strong

  7. "Essay" questions are accompanied by a larger text box which will accept free-form text. We will not be looking for an exact match to the answer key; the teacher's answer will display when you are ready.

To begin, enter your user code and password, then press "BEGIN TEST".