To Whom It May Concern:
I had the honor of creating music with Russell Scott for a number of years. Russell has many gifts in the musical genre, including, but not limited to, the ability to play MANY different types of instruments, the ability to play by ear, the ability to sight read proficiently, and the ability to write and organize music in a creative, complex way. Russell also has many talents in the area of education, or teaching others. While working with Russell in “Lonely Hearts”, he taught me many things about music. He taught me to trust my instincts. He taught me to listen more carefully. He taught me how to play the flute. He taught me to have the confidence to take risks to improve my playing and performing. Russell has infinite patience with anyone desiring to learn about music. Russell also has the ability to perceive questions, and have answers ready in a variety of presentations, so that everyone within a group will understand and comprehend the situation and plan of action. I highly recommend Russell as a teacher and educator of anything connected to music, including theory, composition and/or performance.
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