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Home-Based Students

Homeschooling and unschooling have many advantages, including more quality family time, better academics, expanded opportunities for "field trips," etc. The perceived downside, i.e. interaction with other children, is counteracted through involvement in various organizations, including sports teams and social groups.

Allegro Music Academy is here to provide another opportunity for participation in group activities: vocal and instrumental musical ensembles. Private lessons are vital to excelling in voice or on a given instrument, but there is no substitute for singing and playing in a group when it comes to keeping up interest and polishing performance skills.

Adult Students

Many of you had a couple of years of lessons as a child, and now sometimes you say, "I wish I had kept it up!" Others are thinking, "I've always wanted to learn to play an instrument." We are filling that niche too.

In addition to adults taking private lessons, we have parents who are joining their children in playing in groups.

"Traditional" Students

The majority of our students are enrolled in public or private schools, and they take music lessons as some of their "after school" activities.

School band and orchestra students who want to keep up their skills over the summer (and maybe even get ahead before next school year) can enroll to play in an ensemble just during June through August. Even though there are interruptions such as family vacation, camp, etc., they have fun with other young musicians while they're in town.

Click here for a list of advantages of participation in music programs.
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