Play The Music You Want To Play!

Keep Up Skills Even While School Is Out!

(Be Ahead Of The Other Kids Next Fall!)

Dear Parent,

If your child is in a school band or orchestra, chances are a couple of months from now he or she will be leaving the instrument in the closet most of the time. Here's a chance for those kids to have some fun over the summer and not have so much "dusting off" to do next fall.

Allegro Music Academy is organizing small ensembles to meet during the summer months. Even students with only one year of school band experience are eligible; the arrangements accommodate a wide variety of skill levels.

We will play "fun stuff" like music from "Star Wars" and "Pirates Of The Caribbean" and musical diversions such as rounds and juxtaposed tunes. And it will make it even more fun when your child brings along a band buddy.

All ensemble classes are one hour a week at $22 per session. You pay only for sessions attended, so you can still have family vacation, summer camp, etc.

Allegro Music Academy