Now on a related subject:

  1. A lyric is something written to be sung by a liar.
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  2. A mask is a kind of literature that starts in the middle of a story and ends with someone dying.
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  3. Aesophagus was the author of aesop's fables.
  4. An anachronism is the thing that a man puts in writing in the past before it has taken place in the future.
  5. Fiction are those books which are fixed on the shelves and are not to be moved; nonfiction are not fixed and may be moved at will.
  6. Robert Browning married a sick poetess named Peaches, but after a while she got well enough to go on the stage and have a baby.
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  7. Shelley's most famous poem is "Adenoids".
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  8. The moral of the Ancient Mariner is: "Obey the fish and game laws."
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  9. The three types of the sonnet are the Spenserian, Shakesperean and Pedestrian.
    The Pocket Book Of Boners
  10. The two Shakespeare plays I read were "Romeo" and "Juliet".
    The Pocket Book Of Boners

Q: Tell all you know about Keats.
A: I don't know anything. I don't even know what they are.